About me

Nice to meet you here!

I am Xiaojian Xu, a junior but passionate researcher working on computational imaging! I am currently a postdoc research fellow in the EECS department at University of Michigan (UMich), working with Prof. Jeffrey Fessler.

I got my PhD degree in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) in 2022, where I had the fortune to work with Prof. Ulugbek Kamilov in the Computational Imaging Group (CIG). Before I came to WashU, I got my B.S. degree in Communication and Information Engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2014, recommend as an exam-free student to the graduate school, and then got my M.S. degree in Communication and Information Systems there in 2017.

My research interests include Computational Imaging, Deep Learning, Generative AI, Inverse Problems, Optimization Theory, and Computer Vision. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in our research!

I am currently on the job market.

Recent news

* 08-22-2022: I started my postdoc research at UMich under the supervision of Prof. Jeffrey Fessler.
* 07-28-2022: I passed my dissertation defense on "Model-based Deep Learning for Computational Imaging".
* 05-24-2021: I started my research intern at Facebook Reality Labs Research (FRL).
* 05-04-2021: I passed my thesis proposal defense on "Model-based Deep Learning for Computational Imaging".
* 04-03-2020: I passed my oral qualification exam on "Computational Imaging: Leverage the Power of Deep Learning".
* 05-27-2019: I started my research intern at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory (MERL).
* 02-01-2018: I joined the Computational Imaging Group (CIG) under the supervision of Prof. Ulugbek Kamilov.
* 08-27-2017: I joined the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department at WashU.

Contact information

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, 48109, USA
Email: xiaojian+lastname@wustl.edu
